Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Post

God, even now I'm regretting the title of this website. I would never label myself as a cocktail waitress though it's slowly but surely becoming a part of my identity. I only cocktail part-time, but since my real job 1) can involve important political figures who shouldnt be discussed openly in an online forum, 2) is relatively uninteresting on a daily basis (unless you're fascinated by statistical programming methodology) -- I prefer to occupy this niche of cyberspace with more tales from my restaurant life.

As background since I didn't take the "explanation" post to actually explain my life...while I have full-time work in economics, I additionally work nights at a wine bar in DC in order to earn some extra cash to 1) help support my family, 2) save money for grad school, and 3) support my relatively expensive shoe habit.

Wish list item #1 (even better in pink):

I will always love and hate you at the same time, Christian Louboutin.

Unfortunately, tips havent been good lately and these shoes cost several shifts' salary. Working a wine bar in DC offers ripe opportunities to meet extremely interesting and wonderful people - and it definitely has taught me that adults are merely infants wrapped in bigger and more expensive packaging.

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